In the background, you can see the Creative Services building where I work...It is just above my head...behind the row of cars...sort of top center frame.
I'm gonna need some time to develop my thoughts on this one. I'm very glad I finally got around to watching this film by one of my top-five favorite directors, Stanley Kubrick.
Overall, I think it insightfully captured what it means to desire sex, control, and comfort.
A fascinating film that includes images of Christ, orgies, violence, government, politics, and scientific treatment.
Iconic images that will certainly last forever.
4 out of 5 Netflix, 8 on a 10-scale.
A Clockwork Orange
Star Trek is a highly enjoyable film! I loved the effects, the relationships and history of the characters. Great work with casting young versions of the original gang. The effects were stunning. Loved the creatures, ships, fighting sequences -- the film was really exciting! If I was to critique it, I would say that it really does not follow the Star Trek canon. Overall, it feels more like a fan film than anything else. What we see is not a prequel. What we actually see is an alternative reality to what we know of Trek history. Therefore, the filmmakers can get away with the film not following the canon. Time Travel and Alternative Realities allow authors to explain away anything. They are cop-outs. They are devices that provide a simple solution to a complex problem. So I would criticize the film for that -- HOWEVER, I love those kind of things, and I thought the fact that they were used didn't take me out of the story. 3 out 5 Netflix, 8 on a 10-scale.
[I have to premise this blog with an addendum to "Hume Lake - Day One." Last night, the evening ended with a 20-foot bungee... Pictures and video are on its way...] Well, today was very fun. Got up, got dressed, applied a layer of sunblock to protect my white skin, opened the door, only to discover it was raining! In my shorts and sandals, I stepped out into the day. I filled out the rest of the paperwork with HR, was given a Hume Lake T-Shirt and a Name Tag with lanyard. After lunch, I walked around Hume Lake. Very cloudy, fairly cool. Very beautiful. I took some photos with Nathan's camera. I'll upload them when I get a chance. Tomorrow, I start my official FIRST day of work. Gonna figure out everything that's needed for the next two weeks. It's gonna be awesome!