Michael Clayton - Tony Gilroy

I just finished this film. Watched it on Blu-Ray at my friend Sidney's place. She's got an amazing digital projector.

I'm floored by how perfect this film is. Every set up had a perfect pay off. I love Michael Clayton's character. George Clooney does an amazing job.

If you want to know at least one thing about me, then know about my obsession with acting. There is not enough time or page space for me to dwell on how impressed I was with the entire cast. Ask me personally if you want a full explanation.

Tony Gilroy! You are a crazy man! How on earth do you come up with a story like this? And not only write it, but direct it as well. Supreme job. Everything about the film reeks of excellence. Every person involved. Robert Elswitt, great lighting. Steven Soderbergh, George Clooney, James Holt, Anthony Minghella, Sydney Pollack, Jennifer Fox, Steven Samuels, Kerry Orent -- you crazy clowns and your money. You crazy clowns and your Producing skills.

I give it a 4 out 5 Netflix stars, and 9 on a 10-scale.

Michael Clayton


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