
Showing posts from 2024

2024 90-Day Challenge

Here we go again... As a quick follow up to my last post, I did finish the 2023 90-Day read-through-the-Bible challenge, but it was sometime in August, not quite 90 days from January. Well, I decided to take on the challenge again for 2024. I started early, in December, to get a head start. I also decided to NOT use the Amplified version this year and instead decided to use ESV (English Standard Version). One other thing: I decided to read it using a chronological order. This means I’m reading how things would have happened chronologically in history. For example, books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles run simultaneously with Psalms, Proverbs, and prophets like Isaiah. At the time of writing this entry, I’m in Jeremiah 51. I think I’ve been in Jeremiah for a couple weeks. That’s my 2024 read-through-the-Bible challenge update.